
7.40 158 minutes
The story revolves around a boy named Guppy(Master Chethan) who finds his living out of rearing and selling the small fish Guppy. Guppy has this dream of buying an automatic wheel chair for his ailing mother (Rohini). Things gets into turmoil when Engineer Thejus Varkey (Tovino Thomas) comes to the seaside village for the construction of a railway bridge. Many unexpected things occur when a small rivalry starts between Guppy and Engineer.


Holiday Affair

1949 Movies

The Deep End

2001 Movies

In Exile

2016 Movies

The Space Between

2017 Movies

The Party

1980 Movies

The Party 2

1982 Movies

The Big Blue

1988 Movies

The State I Am In

2001 Movies

Stolen Kisses

1968 Movies

A Bronx Tale

1993 Movies


2005 Movies


Ustad Hotel

2012 Movies

Super Deluxe

2019 Movies


2016 Movies

Puthan Panam

2017 Movies

Minnal Murali

2021 Movies

Game Night

2018 Movies

War of Likes

2021 Movies


2022 Movies

Us Again

2021 Movies