Koji Tsuruta

The Challenge

1962 Movies

Desperado Outpost

1959 Movies

The Last Gunfight

1960 Movies

A Wad of Notes

1970 Movies

Killer's Mission

1969 Movies

Life of Hishakaku

1963 Movies


1967 Movies

Human Torpedoes

1968 Movies

The Last Kamikaze

1970 Movies

Deep River Melody

1960 Movies

Yasen kangofu

1953 Movies

Gang vs. Gang

1962 Movies

Blood of Revenge

1965 Movies

Battle of Roses

1950 Movies


1982 Movies

365 Nights

1962 Movies

Dog of Fortune

1979 Movies

The Loyal 47 Ronin

1958 Movies

The Big Boss

1959 Movies

A Scarred Life

1971 Movies

The Pledge

1972 Movies

Eleven Gangsters

1963 Movies

The Sentencer

1962 Movies

Lakeside Figure

1961 Movies

The Underworld

1956 Movies

The End of a Day

1954 Movies

Gambler's Farewell

1968 Movies

Sakura Official

1962 Movies

Gang Warfare

1972 Movies

Gang vs. G-Men

1962 Movies

Dissolution Rites

1967 Movies

Gate of Youth

1981 Movies

Gambler's Legacy

1969 Movies

Jigoku bana

1957 Movies

The Yellow Climate

1961 Movies

The Thinking Leaf

1962 Movies

The Biggest Gamble

1969 Movies

The Imperial Navy

1981 Movies

Rub Out the Past

1966 Movies

House of Gamblers

1970 Movies

Gambler's World 2

1967 Movies

Gambler's World

1967 Movies

Organized Violence

1967 Movies

Informal Dress

1972 Movies

Seven Fugitives

1966 Movies

Legends of Honor

1963 Movies

The Man

1971 Movies

Seven Gamblers

1966 Movies

The Boss

1965 Movies

Kemono no yado

1951 Movies

Proof of the Man

1977 Movies

Sword of Destiny

1960 Movies

Cases of Hanshichi

1960 Movies

Three Gamblers

1967 Movies

Showdown of Men 2

1967 Movies


1964 Movies

Gamblers: The Raid

1968 Movies


1967 Movies

Itohan Monogatari

1957 Movies

A Man Among Men

1955 Movies

Code of Ruffians

1965 Movies

Japan's Don

1977 Movies

Prison Gambler

1964 Movies

The Tattooed Lord

1965 Movies

Hell's Kitchen

1962 Movies

Hell's Juggler

1961 Movies

Crazy Uproar

1950 Movies

Doctor's Day Off

1952 Movies

Gambler Biography

1968 Movies

The Bandits

1968 Movies

Oshidori kenkagasa

1957 Movies


1972 Movies


1968 Movies

Killer of Seven

1967 Movies

One Man's Chivalry

1965 Movies


1968 Movies

Kingdom of Samurai

1966 Movies

The Gambler

1965 Movies


1951 Movies

Tokyo Drifters

1966 Movies

Night in Hawaii

1953 Movies

Aizen katsura

1954 Movies

Outlaw island

1956 Movies

Yakuza bayashi

1954 Movies

Ankoku gai jingi

1965 Movies


1954 Movies


1950 Movies


1964 Movies


1950 Movies

Hana no shôgai

1953 Movies

Wedding Season

1954 Movies


1954 Movies

Girls Behind Bars

1960 Movies

Daikichi Konomura

1954 Movies

Yūkyō no mure

1948 Movies

The Lion Era

1980 TV Shows

Ōgon no Hibi

1978 TV Shows

Against The Grain

1976 TV Shows