Song Jae-ho


2004 Movies

The Warrior

2001 Movies

Late Blossom

2011 Movies

Memories of Murder

2003 Movies

Over the Border

2006 Movies

Tidal Wave

2009 Movies


2003 Movies

The Hidden Hero

1980 Movies

The Way

2017 Movies

Double Agent

2003 Movies

Ardent Love

1982 Movies


2010 Movies

Sunday Punch

2011 Movies

The Tower

2012 Movies

Cuckoo's Dolls

1976 Movies

Chang-Su's Heydays

1975 Movies

Love's Condition

1979 Movies


2011 Movies

Ivan the Mercenary

1997 Movies

May 18

2007 Movies

Private Eye

2009 Movies

People in the Slum

1982 Movies

Bush and Swamp

1975 Movies

Great King Sejo

1970 Movies

Precious Family

2004 TV Shows

Miss Ripley

2011 TV Shows

The Chaser

2012 TV Shows

Neighborhood’s Hero

2016 TV Shows


2003 TV Shows

Medical Center

2000 TV Shows


2011 TV Shows

I Believe in Love

2011 TV Shows


2001 TV Shows

Que Sera Sera

2007 TV Shows

End of Love

2006 TV Shows

Shining Days

2004 TV Shows

Crazy for You

2007 TV Shows