Iosif Kheifits

Our Cinema

1940 Movies

Lady with the Dog

1960 Movies

The Only One

1976 Movies


1977 Movies

My Dear Fellow

1958 Movies

Nomad Bus

1989 Movies

My Dear Fellow

1958 Movies

Baltic Deputy

1937 Movies

Hectic Days

1935 Movies

The Duel

1973 Movies

A Big Family

1954 Movies

The Only One

1976 Movies

In the Town of S.

1966 Movies

In the Town of S.

1966 Movies

Lady with the Dog

1960 Movies


1977 Movies

The Fires of Baku

1950 Movies

A Day of Happiness

1964 Movies

Baltic Deputy

1937 Movies

A Day of Happiness

1964 Movies

Malakhov Kurgan

1944 Movies

Malakhov Kurgan

1944 Movies

Nomad Bus

1989 Movies

My Motherland

1933 Movies

My Motherland

1933 Movies

The Defendant

1985 Movies


1982 Movies


1962 Movies

The Precious Seed

1948 Movies

The Defendant

1985 Movies


1982 Movies

To Remember

1993 TV Shows