Corey Yuen


1997 Movies

The 7 Grandmasters

1977 Movies

All for the Winner

1990 Movies

Pedicab Driver

1989 Movies

The Young Dragons

1974 Movies

Spooky, Spooky

1988 Movies

Born Invincible

1978 Movies

Righting Wrongs

1986 Movies

The Legend II

1993 Movies

The Enforcer

1995 Movies

Eastern Condors

1987 Movies

Fist of Fury 1991

1991 Movies

The Himalayan

1976 Movies

Bruce Lee and I

1976 Movies

The Raid

1991 Movies

Hero of the Wild

1977 Movies


1995 Movies

Mr. Vampire III

1987 Movies

License to Steal

1990 Movies

Bury Me High

1991 Movies


1972 Movies

The Top Bet

1991 Movies

The Gambling Ghost

1991 Movies

Heart of Dragon

1985 Movies

Mortuary Blues

1990 Movies

The Collector

2012 Movies

The Magic Blade

1976 Movies

In the Blood

1988 Movies

The Brutal Boxer

1972 Movies

The Tournament

1974 Movies

The Jade Raksha

1968 Movies

Broken Oath

1977 Movies

Yes, Madam!

1985 Movies

The Oily Maniac

1976 Movies

Death Duel

1977 Movies

The Criminals

1976 Movies

Soul of the Sword

1978 Movies

Game of Death II

1981 Movies

Jade Tiger

1977 Movies


1976 Movies

The 14 Amazons

1972 Movies

Wits to Wits

1974 Movies

To Kill a Jaguar

1977 Movies

Deadly Angels

1977 Movies

Death Blow

1973 Movies

Paris Killers

1974 Movies

The Yellow Killer

1972 Movies

The Battle Wizard

1977 Movies

Women on the Run

1993 Movies

Fist of Fury

1972 Movies

None But the Brave

1973 Movies

The Seven Coffins

1975 Movies

The Devil's Mirror

1972 Movies

Dragon Lord

1982 Movies

Crystal Fist

1979 Movies

Pantyhose Hero

1990 Movies

The Iceman Cometh

1989 Movies

High Risk

1995 Movies

Soccer Killer

2017 Movies

Village of Tigers

1974 Movies

The Valiant Ones

1975 Movies

Naughty! Naughty!

1974 Movies

The Swordmates

1969 Movies

The Dragon Missile

1976 Movies


1973 Movies

The Web of Death

1976 Movies

Clans of Intrigue

1977 Movies

DOA: Dead or Alive

2006 Movies


1997 Movies

All for the Winner

1990 Movies

So Close

2002 Movies

Ghost Punting

1992 Movies

Women on the Run

1993 Movies

The Avenging Fist

2001 Movies

Yes, Madam!

1985 Movies

The Legend II

1993 Movies

The Legend II

1993 Movies

The Enforcer

1995 Movies

God of Gamblers II

1990 Movies

The Blonde Fury

1989 Movies

Shanghai Shanghai

1990 Movies

In the Blood

1988 Movies

The Top Bet

1991 Movies

Black Rose II

1997 Movies

Black Rose II

1997 Movies

Timeless Romance

1998 Movies

Mahjong Dragon

1997 Movies


1997 Movies

Righting Wrongs

1986 Movies

Mortuary Blues

1990 Movies

The Top Bet

1991 Movies

Rise of the Legend

2014 Movies

All for the Winner

1990 Movies

Soccer Killer

2017 Movies

Righting Wrongs

1986 Movies

Fist of Fury 1991

1991 Movies


2000 Movies

All for the Winner

1990 Movies

Shanghai Shanghai

1990 Movies

Transporter 2

2005 Movies

Transporter 3

2008 Movies

Kung Fu 10th Dan

1974 Movies

Eastern Condors

1987 Movies

Operation Scorpio

1992 Movies

Operation Scorpio

1992 Movies

Women on the Run

1993 Movies

Women on the Run

1993 Movies

Women on the Run

1993 Movies

Moon Warriors

1992 Movies

Game of Death II

1981 Movies

Game of Death II

1981 Movies

Yes, Madam!

1985 Movies

Yes, Madam!

1985 Movies

Yes, Madam!

1985 Movies

Heart of Dragon

1985 Movies

Heart of Dragon

1985 Movies


2011 Movies


2011 Movies


2011 Movies

The Blonde Fury

1989 Movies

Soccer Killer

2017 Movies

Righting Wrongs

1986 Movies

Mortuary Blues

1990 Movies

Eastern Condors

1987 Movies


1997 Movies

Treasure Inn

2011 Movies

Treasure Inn

2011 Movies

Wild Card

2015 Movies


2007 Movies

The Transporter

2002 Movies

The Expendables

2010 Movies

The One

2001 Movies

Ghost Punting

1992 Movies

Dragon Lord

1982 Movies

The Transporter

2002 Movies

The Transporter

2002 Movies


2009 TV Shows