Jean-Claude Bouillaud

Cop au Vin

1985 Movies

A Bad Son

1980 Movies

A Heart in Winter

1992 Movies

The Twin

1984 Movies

The Professional

1981 Movies

Pinot simple flic

1984 Movies

Le Joli cœur

1984 Movies


1983 Movies

To the Four Winds

1987 Movies

Picture Perfect

1993 Movies


1980 Movies

The Party

1980 Movies

Choice of Arms

1981 Movies


1979 Movies

Charlie Dingo

1987 Movies

A Letter to L...

1994 Movies

Madame Bovary

1991 Movies

My New Partner

1984 Movies

La Baston

1985 Movies

La Face de l'Ogre

1988 Movies

Le grand fossé

1980 Movies

Shot Pattern

1982 Movies

Tête à claques

1982 Movies

Fire on Sight

1984 Movies

Night Patrol

1984 Movies

Les Hordes

1991 TV Shows

The Visitors

1980 TV Shows

L'Affaire Caillaux

1985 TV Shows