Alwara Höfels

When We Leave

2010 Movies

Famous Five

2012 Movies


2011 Movies

Suck Me Shakespeer

2013 Movies

Die Fischerin

2014 Movies

Sisters in Strife

2014 Movies


2008 Movies


2008 Movies

Mord nach Zahlen

2013 Movies

Phantom Pain

2009 Movies


2013 Movies

Einer wie Bruno

2012 Movies

Der Uranberg

2010 Movies

So viel Zeit

2018 Movies

Das Programm

2016 Movies


2024 Movies

Scene of the Crime

1970 TV Shows

Scene of the Crime

1970 TV Shows

Scene of the Crime

1970 TV Shows

Scene of the Crime

1970 TV Shows

Crime Scene Cleaner

2011 TV Shows

Allein gegen die Zeit

2010 TV Shows

Bella Block

1994 TV Shows

Homicide Hills

2008 TV Shows

Scene of the Crime

1970 TV Shows

The Old Fox

1977 TV Shows


1995 TV Shows

Scene of the Crime

1970 TV Shows

Post Mortem

2007 TV Shows

Kölner Treff

1976 TV Shows

NDR Talk Show

1979 TV Shows


1989 TV Shows

Berlin Bad Trip

2023 TV Shows