Bitto Albertini

Black Emanuelle

1975 Movies

Black Emanuelle

1975 Movies

Yellow Emanuelle

1977 Movies

Black Emanuelle 2

1976 Movies

The War Devils

1969 Movies

The War Devils

1969 Movies

The War Devils

1969 Movies

Terror of Oklahoma

1959 Movies

Return of Sandokan

1964 Movies

Secret Agent 777

1965 Movies

Yellow Emanuelle

1977 Movies

Naked World

1963 Movies

Naked and Cruel

1984 Movies

Naked and Cruel

1984 Movies

M.M.M. 83

1966 Movies

Il Santo Patrono

1972 Movies

Il Santo Patrono

1972 Movies

Black Emanuelle 2

1976 Movies

Toto at Night

1962 Movies

David and Goliath

1960 Movies

Gladiators 7

1962 Movies

The Glass Sphinx

1967 Movies

Son of Cleopatra

1964 Movies

Safari Rally

1978 Movies

Safari Rally

1978 Movies

Assunta Spina

1948 Movies

Human Cobras

1971 Movies

The Red Cloak

1955 Movies

Lebbra bianca

1951 Movies


1943 Movies

Sign of Zorro

1963 Movies

The chastity belt

1950 Movies

Shack and puppets

1954 Movies

Bitter Waters

1954 Movies

Good Folk's Sunday

1953 Movies

Sedotti e bidonati

1964 Movies

Red Love

1952 Movies

I Sing for You

1954 Movies

The Eternal Chain

1952 Movies

The Seven Revenges

1961 Movies


1953 Movies

Sexy proibitissimo

1963 Movies


1955 Movies

Scarlet Eye

1963 Movies