Nikolai Karachentsov


1991 Movies

The Elder Son

1975 Movies

Cabbages and Kings

1978 Movies

Miss Millionersha

1988 Movies

Déjà vu

1990 Movies


1987 Movies

White Dew

1984 Movies

Errors of Youth

1978 Movies

A Long, Long Deal

1977 Movies

Treasure Island

1982 Movies

Juno and Avos

1983 Movies

The Witches Cave

1989 Movies

Before We Part

1984 Movies

The Dog In Boots

1981 Movies

Lisa Patrikeevna

1982 Movies

One Times One

1975 Movies

A Small Favor

1984 Movies

Cat Kotofeyevitch

1981 Movies

The Nightingale

1980 Movies

The Confrontation

1986 Movies

Cat and Clown

1988 Movies

The Idiot

1991 Movies

The 32 of December

2004 Movies

Woman for Everyone

1991 Movies

Trap for Bambr

1991 Movies

Animal Wars

2000 Movies

The Lion's Share

2001 Movies


1991 Movies

The Magic Lantern

1977 Movies


1984 Movies

The Nick Of Time

1993 Movies

Eight Days of Hope

1984 Movies


2003 Movies

Space Visitors

1981 Movies

My Destiny

1974 Movies

Space for Maneuver

1982 Movies

The Twelve Chairs

1977 TV Shows

To Remember

1993 TV Shows

Soldiers of Freedom

1977 TV Shows

Queen Margot

1996 TV Shows